Mud therapy for rheumatic and arthropathic conditions

Mud therapy for rheumatic and arthropathic conditions Terme di Chianciano

Mud therapy for rheumatic and arthropathic conditions Mud therapy is indicated for rheumatic and arthropathic conditions, post-traumatic lesions and osteoporosis. This therapeutic treatment alleviates pain and enhances the joint’s functions while slowing down the progress of diseases.

The joints are covered by a 5-cm layer of mud. The mud may be applied to the whole body or to a specific part of the body, for 15/20 minutes. Following application of mud packs and a shower, thermal water bathing is provided (bathing for a length of time depending on the patient, the conditions of the patient and the opinion of the physician responsible for the thermal treatment examination).
N.B. We recommend that you bring with you your own bathrobe, underwear and footwear. We can provide these items if you require them. Costs:
Bathrobe € 2.50
Underwear € 1.50
Footwear € 1.50
This therapy can be provided in accordance with special arrangements with the National Health Service.

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